This is a line of Mario-inspired sparkling eveningwear by designer and crafster user montyfull. Nice, but where were these designs ten years ago when I went to prom? I make sparkles look gooood.

So I'm a fashion major. Graduated in 2007, and just NOW got around to uploading pics of my stuff! I'm an avid gamer for life. Shooters, RPGs, PC, nintendo, Xbox... I'll play anything if I can afford it. Smiley I also don't like to take myself too seriously, so I decided that my senior collection was going to be mario eveningwear. Ya know, lots of sequins, duchess satin, chiffon, coupled with the crazy icons we know and love.
I, for one, am not ashamed to admit I'd rock the hell out of any of those. Plus, I would tape my penis to my leg. Cause I'm ladylike.
Thanks to Jenny, The Bloggess, who could make a Wario-inspired dress look good. She's fine, yo!

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