The 'Write a Bike' concept is the brainchild of designer Juri Zaech and consists of a bicycle frame bent to spell your name. Juri is currently working on building a functional prototype (complete with gears and brakes!). No word how many seats will be to be able to fit on my custom "GW is the handsomest man on the planet, also the biggest balled, he's the one at very back pretending to pedal" cycle, but I hope at least enough to accommodate 14 spandex-clad hunks. DAMMIT ARMSTRONG, I SAID PEDAL -- LIQUOR STORE'S CLOSING IN FIVE AND WE'VE GOT A BIKE-BASKET TO FILL!

Thanks to VIto Fun and The Loch Jess Monster, who're both convinced this is the solution to bike theft.
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