"A plan proposed to detonate a nuke to seal off that troublesome oil well is gaining support with each of BP's failures. The Russians apparently used the tactic five times between 1966 and 1981. They went four for five.
Will it ever happen? According to an anonymous source at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico -- y'know, the guys and gals who created the Bomb in the first place -- no. "It's not going to happen," continuing on with "Technically, it would be exploring new ground in the midst of a disaster -- and you might make it worse."
Listen: I know James Cameron may be some kind of expert on submersibles and underwater filming, but if you're considering atomic warheads you're gonna need me on the team. Because I'm an atomic expert. Just sayin', one time I nuked a hotdog for three minutes before it exploded.

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