domingo, 2 de março de 2008

Raven's Lament: It's NOT the Destination...

Humanity is made up of pieces of strangeness, unique individuals wandering and blaming all but themselves for what transpires as life...

We all come from various backgrounds, unbalanced past, with a mixture of some good memories thrown in for good measure, add a dash of similarities. We survived our childhoods under whatever guise we had to. Once we rounded the corner into adulthood the blame game began, if only , my parents, poor-rich little kid....Fascinating as it may seem once you find the path to your claim to fame (being an adult), you no longer have anyone to blame but yourself for your predilection in life.

The best way to describe this in simple terms is, upon reaching a certain age your feet are set upon a path; a journey that begins with adulthood. Life is made up of various paths that twist, curve, backtrack, and sometimes even end without warning. I'll be the first to admit the choices and paths I followed earlier in my life left me......lost and floundering for the majority of it. Once I came into the knowledge that if I wasn't going where I wanted on the path I was on, I simply had to choose a different path at the crossroads in my life.

Once in awhile you find your not the only one on this path and there is someone else there with you. Sometimes they take the next turn , while you continue on. Sometimes you glance back and see someone struggling over a particuliar bump in the road you yourself went through. Some of us even go so far as to backtrack and give them a hand up, because you've been there. Sometimes we fall on the wayside, or get lost and can't find our way again....Inevitably something comes along and guides us back to our chosen pathway.....

While we are on this journey we continue to make choices about our lives....Choices about love, money, knowledge, empathy towards others. We don't always use the wisest guidelines and at times take foolish chances with our hearts and minds. Yet no matter where you find yourself, happy, content, lost or confused, you still retain the choice to change paths at any given time. These choices in our lives can be an adventure of a lifetime...or we can sit on the sideline watching people pass us by....

When it comes to your life are you the one choosing your path? Or are you being led blindly not even realizing you can change the direction of your own life at any given moment....I've always said it's not the destination, it's the journey that makes your life worthwhile. We all make mistakes and have had to live down bad choices....we also have the ability to change paths, giving ourselves new chances in an ever changing life.

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