''Although we're mostly water, humans are meant living on dry land -- hence our lack of webbed feet or hands. DarkFin Gloves ($25) fix half of this equation with a rear-webbed design that increases surface area by 70%, helps you tread water using less energy, and builds upper body strength. They're made from durable, flexible latex rubber, and are perfect for scuba diving, swimming, sky divers, or just freaking out your kids at bath time.''
When I was a state-champion swimmer in my youth I used to practice with webbed gloves on, so these aren't really new to me. Still, maybe they are for you. Or maybe you're just looking for a little something to put the spark back in your sex life. And you know what? This just might do the trick. It won't even feel like your own hand!
Thanks to Smee, who's not so much into webbed digits as talons. Okay now that's just freaky.
Source: Geekologie.com
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